Thursday, April 29, 2010

Supplemental Post: In Which We Have Bonus Features Like the 2nd DVD of a Collector's Edition That No One Watches

Remember this post about going to Cooperstown and the bear on a unicycle? Well, turns out it wasn't a unicycle, so my memory has failed me yet again. On the other hand, I found these wonderful photos from that trip that I thought my loyal, dedicated readership might enjoy.  So… enjoy.  Or else.

It's Babe Ruth and me!  Can you tell which is which? (HINT: I am the scrawny, living one)

Here I am riding my favorite elephant in the world, who touched me with his/her trunk as I was being let off.
You might think that, because I'm wearing a baseball cap, I was extremely interested in baseball, but don't let that fool you: the cap says, "SPACE CAMP"

More than one bear, and on a tandem bike, no less!  This is even worse than I remembered—look at that horrible chain the guy is pulling them on!  But the absolute worst is yet to come…

Really?  REALLY??!?  This picture from 17 years ago is still making my heart break.  I mean, it's bad enough we make little girls wear tutus let alone bears wheeling gigantic faux cakes.  I'm pretty sure this is the moment I told my grandparents I needed to leave.

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